A man acted as a “one-stop shop” for drug users in Bury St Edmunds, a court heard.

Monday saw the beginning of the trial of Jake Brown, 25, at Ipswich Crown Court.

Brown stands accused of having been concerned in the supply of cocaine in Bury St Edmunds, an offence which the Crown says took place prior to his arrest in October of 2022.

The court heard that Brown, who gave a temporary address of St Audrey’s Close in Cambridge, has admitted dealing cannabis, a class B drug, but has denied supplying cocaine.

The court heard that Brown was arrested on October 10, 2022. A police officer approached Brown, who was sitting on a bike outside a pub at about lunchtime and tried to engage with him.

When Brown attempted to run, he was tackled by the officer, who handcuffed him and searched him.

Brown was found to have £410 in cash, a package containing cannabis, a Samsung tablet and a Nokia phone.

The tablet contained a SIM card linked to a mobile phone number ending in 958. The Crown argues that this phone number was used by a drug dealer to distribute drugs, having found messages from this number on the phone of a known drug user.

This number was also found on the phone of a woman believed to be Brown’s partner.

Messages sent from this phone referred to “yay” and “loud”, which the prosecution say is code for cocaine and cannabis respectively.

A search was carried out at an address in Bury St Edmunds where Brown was living with his partner at the time.

Two sets of digital scales and ripped packaging were recovered, the same type of packaging on the outside of the cannabis found with Brown.

The Crown’s prosecution counsel said that Brown was not only dealing cannabis, but cocaine as well. They referred to him as a “one-stop shop”.

“He is the convenient service station where you drive in and whatever you need, it can be provided,” he said.

The trial continues.