A 37-year-old man has been charged with robbing a betting shop at knifepoint and sexual assault in Bury St Edmunds.

The knifepoint robbery allegedly happened at about 10.20am on Tuesday at Ladbrokes betting shop in St Olaves Precinct. 

A man is believed to have entered the premises and threatened staff with a knife while demanding money. 

The man was given a quantity of cash by a member of staff before the offender fled the scene in the direction of Western Way. 

The victim was left shaken but unhurt as a result of the incident.

Armed police were called to the scene and a man was arrested about an hour after the incident. 

Jonathan Rowley, of Cumberland Avenue in Bury St Edmunds, has subsequently been charged with robbery.

He has also been charged with one count of sexual assault in connection with an alleged incident involving a police employee at Bury St Edmunds police investigation centre.

Rowley was remanded in custody and appeared before Suffolk Magistrates' Court on Wednesday.