A group from Bury St Edmunds is hoping to host a Saint Edmund musical celebration of Suffolk's history in June 2023.

The celebration will feature musical work 'Edmund: The Legend of a King', created by 1973 Eurovision winner Anne-Marie David and film composer Jean Musy.

Bringing an English version to the UK was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic but now has the support of Lord-Lieutenant of Suffolk Lady Clare Euston.

The group hopes to hold the performance in St Edmundsbury Cathedral and is currently seeking a range of partners and sponsors to raise funds for St Nicholas' Hospice.

Hailing from Burgundy, France, Anne-Marie first came across the story of Edmund at a St Edmund's Day event in 2017.

The story tells of a courageous King Edmund who met his demise at the hands of Danish invaders as he refused to denounce his Christianity.

James Sheen, one of the organisers of the celebration, said: "Anne-Marie immediately knew it needed to be set to music."

Four months later, James received the first piece from the musical.

He describes the song created by Jean Musy as having a "classical and traditional feel".

The Edmund-centred musical was then completed in French over the next few months.

The musical was first performed to sold-out audiences in Boulogne-sur-Mer in July 2019 with a second performance later on the same year in Amboise.

Two previous mayors of St Edmundsbury, Terry Clements and Julia Wakelam, were in attendance.

The group hope that bringing the musical to Suffolk will help celebrate the legend of a king who died for his people over 1,000 years ago.

Their vision is to create an entire music festival promoting other forms of live musical events at venues including Bury St Edmunds, Snape and Aldeburgh.

They would also like to involve higher and further education institutions from across Suffolk, including film and media students who could work on the post-production aspects of the event.

Anyone who wishes to get involved should contact James Sheen at james.e.sheen@gmail.com.